MMA UNFOLDED offers high-quality content with regards to Mixed Martials Arts. We want to inform, clarify, inspire, reduce prejudices and motivate viewer to stand up for the sport.
MMA UNFOLDED is not a typical MMA news platform which informs about the everyday events. Rather we will cover topics and persons that normally get little attention. For example, we are focussing on the general development of the sport, the ruleset as well as the officiating perspective. To realize all that, we are active on Instagram, Youtube and Twitter. Also, we will launch our MMA UNFOLDED Academy and our shop shortly, so stay tuned!
Who we are
Clemens Werner
Founder and content-related head of MMA UNFOLDED is Clemens Werner. Clemens began his MMA training in 2010 and passed the GEMMAF judge course four years later. Nowadays Clemens is the honorary president of GEMMAF and an internationally recognized judge, who regularly works for well-known promotions like UFC, KSW and OKTAGON. His experience and expertise regarding the ruleset, officiating and events will become the thematic focus for MMA UNFOLDED.
Steven Siebert
The mastermind for videos, photos and design at MMA UNFOLDED is Steven Siebert, who works as a production manager and director at Movact. Steven and Clemens first met in 2018 during the cooperation of AUTMMAF and GEMMAF. Now, Steven is GEMMAF’s honorary director for video- and photography with many years of experience in broadcasting MMA events. Together with his team at Movact he is a huge support for MMA UNFOLDED.
Andy Rudolph
The MMA UNFOLDED team is completed by Andy „Hans Dampf“ Rudolph, who is a professional software developer and also a huge MMA fan. A guest appearance of Clemens at Schlagwort Podcast in early 2020 drew his attention to GEMMAF. Since then, he supports GEMMAF on a voluntary basis using his outstanding programming skills and thus, contributes to the positive development of MMA in Germany. At MMA UNFOLDED, Andy as an experienced software developer and administrator takes the helm for our IT.